Month: January 2013

hehehe i shy!

first of all thank you Juliana for the lovely feature of us! and i must say, she is one wild fashion girl! check out her blog here. its been decades since rf came out from hiding and started to whore ourselves again. and im really fortunate to have talked to everyone that took interest of […]

Made in China

Ai Weiwei is a prolific Chinese artist who creates controversial works in regards to the politics and sadly, he is pursued by the Chinese government for his remarks. Now, he exhibits and showcases his works outside of China but still addresses the issues of his homeland. His recent work titled “Stacked” is currently exhibiting in […]

Let’s Go MAAD!

greetings fellow eco feroshas! its our my pleasure to inform you guys that WE. ARE. GOING. MAAD! yes tomorrow, Jan 4 from 5pm till midnight! we’ll be selling our wares such as bags, bracelets, necklaces and our eco awesomeness! so do lend your support! P.S. it’s been years since we last appeared at maad (our […]