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The name of this post sounds nothing like its title. Nothing. In fact when I first came across this, I had goosebumps all over.

In 2000, Nick Knight and Lee McQueen collaborated on their Angel installation, featuring 80 gallons of live dyed maggots arranged in the shape of an angelic face, at La Beauté en Avignon. Preparations for the installation and the build were recorded on film, alongside interviews with Knight and McQueen focusing on the ideas behind the installation.

Video after the images.

Screen shot 2015-07-31 at PM 09.09.35 Screen shot 2015-07-31 at PM 09.10.57 Screen shot 2015-07-31 at PM 09.09.52 Screen shot 2015-07-31 at PM 09.10.54 Screen shot 2015-07-31 at PM 09.10.59Screen shot 2015-07-31 at PM 09.10.47 Screen shot 2015-07-31 at PM 09.10.50

I died when the swarm of flies just came straight to the camera.

Image Credits: screencaps from video

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